Saturday, November 15, 2008

A trip to the Falls

I took a drive today up to Mesa Falls. I have been wanting to go up there and take pictures all semester and I finally buckled down and went today. It was such a beautiful day!! Sightly warm and sunny. It took me about 40 minutes to get up there but it was totally worth it. I am kicking myself for not going sooner because all the beautiful fall foliage is gone now. Here are some of my favorite shots from today.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Guitars Unplugged

I've been working on this show here at BYU-Idaho for the last month called Guitars Unplugged. It's one of the biggest shows during the semester. It was a lot of fun, but very stressful to pull together. I was over all publicity. This past weekend we had the three shows - Thursday and Friday were all the acts that the audience then voted on to be in Saturday's Best Of show. Saturday was the big huge production! Boy was that an amazing show! Here are some shots I took on Thursday and Friday night of the performers.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Temple Picture

A couple of days ago I found this website that has pictures of the temples all across the world and I submitted one to be added and I went and looked and my picture was there! Here's the link to go and see it

Thought this was exciting!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Photography Blog

I felt like I needed to create a blog where I could post all my pictures that I have taken and will take in the future. I really do love photography and how a picture really does say a thousand words. Here are some old photos that I've taken over the past two years. If anyone has any advice or questions on any of these pictures, please feel free to leave a comment!

These are some engagement pictures that I took for my roommate Andrea and her boy Josh! These are some of my favorites out of that day.

This is one of my dearest friends Kate and her husband Peter on the day that they got married!

Disney World Castle

Every year I go to Lagoon with family and here are some pictures that I took of two of my cousin's kids.

I love taking pictures of flowers up close and getting types of depth. I think these types of pictures are amazing!

The beach (2008)

Temple Shots
Salt Lake Temple

Rexburg Temple

Orlando Temple